
Lost Keystore password

A few years back I uploaded my first mobile game to the app stores. Now that I have completed my master's degree and have worked on several other projects, I wanted to revisit it and give it a few updates.

One of the first things I noticed was how messy my code was compared to how I write now. I did not follow any naming conventions, not nearly enough comments. 

However, the problem I ran into was that I could not recall or find where I stored the publishing keystore password. This is an issue because, if I wanted to easily update the existing app on the Google play store I had to use the same keystore. There is a process of contacting support and being about to use a new keystore, or use a new build identifier and create a new store listing. Luckily I was able to find a tool to help recover the password I needed.

http://maxcamillo.github.io/android- keystore-password-recover/howto.html

I created a word list file of possible passwords I may have used and it was able to find the password I needed very fast. 

Also goes to show how effective password cracking can be.

Unity UI Toggle

Unity's basic toggle setup is great for most uses, however if you want to be able to change the 'Is On' value from code without triggering 'On Value Changed' event you'll have to use the 'Event Trigger' component.

For example I want to save an int to the player's preference that was representing the state of the trigger. 0 for off and 1 for on. I'm saving it here cause the next time the scene loads I want to look at the preference and have my toggle set accordingly.  

So in the 'Start' function I'll set the toggle state based on the PlayerPrefs value, and then when the toggle is triggered I'll change the value accordingly. Code would look something like this:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI; //To access 'Toggle'
using System.Collections;

public class exampleToggleScript : MonoBehaviour {
    public Toggle toggle;

    void Start () 
        toggle.isOn = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("toggleKey") == 1;

    public void toggleExampleTrigger()
        //Toggle triggered do something.
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("toggleKey", 1);
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("toggleKey", 0);

The problem occurs when the 'toggleExampleTrigger' is linked to the 'On Value Changed' option of the Toggle component. Every time the scene loads and it changes the value based on the preference setting it will also trigger 'toggleExampleTrigger', causing the toggle state and the preference value to be out of sync.

To fix this I don't want to use the 'On Value Changed' event at all. Instead add the 'Event Trigger' component. 

Using the 'Pointer Click' event type to link 'toggleExampleTrigger' to, I'll avoid this sync issue and be able to change the state of the toggle in code without trigger an unwanted event.